Ottawa – The City’s Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee today approved its Draft Budget 2023, which commits $5.5 million to renew rural infrastructure. That funding includes $3.25 million to renew and replace guiderails and $2.25 million to upgrade rural roads including David Manchester Road, along with Wall Road and Swale Road.

When added to funding approved through other Committees, the City’s draft budget invests about $54 million in rural infrastructure including $8.4 million for rural culverts, $10.6 million for bridge structures, $3.2 million for buildings and parks, including accessibility, and $26.5 million for road resurfacing, road preservation and sidewalk renewal.
The Committee received a report outlining the implementation of the newly approved Official Plan throughout 2023. It will focus on three areas to support the Official Plan; a series of 'omnibus' reports relating to different amendment categories, completing existing Secondary Plan projects and planning for future neighbourhoods with lands added to the urban boundary.
The Committee also recommended approval of a revised timeframe for developing a new Zoning By-law for Ottawa. Under the revised timelines, staff would deliver the final draft of the new by-law to Council six months later than initially planned – in Q4 of 2025 instead of Q2 that year. The first and second drafts would also be delayed by six months, with plans for release in Q1 2024 and Q1 2025. The public would have significant opportunities to provide input for each draft. The additional time is needed because the Province took longer than anticipated to approve the City’s new Official Plan, which came into effect on November 4, 2022. The revised timeline would ensure the City complies with legislated requirements to enact new zoning provisions within three years of that date.
Recommendations from today’s meeting will rise to Council on Wednesday, March 8.
Today's busy agenda also included:
Carrying the ARAC budget, with highlights including $5.5 million to renew rural infrastructure, and a total of $54 million including investments through other committees
Adopting the Terms of Reference with amendments to language that aims to protect rural economic development area
Recommending to council that we approve a revised timeframe for the Zoning By-Law, asking first and second drafts to come in Q1 2024 and Q1 2025. This will allow for more consultation after the delay from the province in approving our Official Plan
Zoning By-Law amendment at 2170 and 2180 Ottawa Road 29 (Ward 5) to prohibit residential development on the retained farmland (Carried)
Zoning By-Law amendment at 3016 Upper Dwyer Hill Road (Ward 5) to rezone from AG2 to AG6 and prohibit residential development (Carried)
Zoning By-Law amendment at 1185 Beaverwood Road (Ward 21) to rezone from first density to third density residential, with a rural exception allowing for a 3-storey apartment building (Carried)