This communication is an update on the infrastructure damage to roads, intersections and culverts in West Carleton and North Kanata following Friday's significant rain event, to provide an update on basement flooding, and on the City’s immediate and planned response.
Current situation for roads

All impacted roads are secure, with road closures in place. Following inspections on Friday and Saturday, staff report that all sites are stable and there is no expectation that any of the currently identified sites will get worse.
Roads, Traffic and Infrastructure staff were on site on Saturday morning, assessing the damage and beginning immediate repairs.
The immediate focus is on addressing priority shoulder work on critical roads and conducting early culvert repairs.
Staff, with the assistance of a general contractor, are identifying locations that require immediate repairs and putting a repair plan together for the coming days.
Debris clean up
Over the weekend, Roads Services worked on debris removal with back hoes on impacted roadways in West Carleton and North Kanata. Street sweepers will continue this work.
Basement flooding
Infrastructure and Water Services staff have responded to all basement-related calls received through 3-1-1. There were approximately eight calls related to internal drain issues in residential homes.
Preparedness measures taken ahead of the storm included orders to clean catch basins in areas with previous flooding concerns, having a response plan in place with additional staff ready to respond if needed, and proactively communicating with residents to remind them of steps they can take to prepare their homes.
Public Information and Media Relations communicated proactively on social media, through a PSA and with a dedicated Heavy Rainfall page on These combined preparedness measures resulted in minimal calls through 3-1-1.
If residents have basement flooding that has not been communicated to the City, they are encouraged to report it to 3-1-1 for inspection.