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Writer's pictureWard 5 Staff

May 10th Update on Spring Flooding

By Saturday, water levels are forecast to be 30cm (11.8in) lower than they were Tuesday (May 9). Residents are advised to still keep sandbag walls in place and check basements regularly as the water table in the ground can continue to creep higher even when the water surface is falling. Maintenance of walls and pumping will continue to be critical.

After the good weather we are experiencing this week, rainfall could still cause levels to rise again so please follow forecasts. The West Carleton Disaster Relief summary of the forecasts will not be daily after this one but they are ready to resume these daily forecasts should the need arise. Meanwhile, the PRRPB forecasts will still be on their website at

Drinking water and shower facilities for affected residents are available at the Constance Bay community centre. Call WCDR at 613-447-4446 for access to the showers.

Well water samples will be picked on Wednesday from the centre. Ottawa Public Health has instructions for well owners in the post flood period at "After a flood - Recovery." Click on the “Safe drinking water - Private well owners” then “ Safe drinking water” on that page.

"It's been great to see so many people taking advantage of the free water testing kits from the City," Councillor Kelly said. "Our team dropped off over 60 samples directly to the lab today so people can get their results quickly."

Please refrain from boating since the wake can damage sandbag walls.

Road Closures in Ward 5 (May 10)

Allbirch closed between Baillie and dead-end [Ward 5]

Armitage closed between Greenland and dead-end [Ward 5]

Baldwin closed between Macrostie and Len Purcell [Ward 5]

Bayview closed between Bishop Davis (west intersection) and Len Purcell (east intersection) [Ward 5]

Bishop Davis closed between Allbirch and Bayview (west intersection) [Ward 5]

Doris Currie closed between Bayview and Fireside [Ward 5]

Fireside closed between Doris Currie and Len Purcell [Ward 5]

Lighthouse closed between Loggers and dead-end [Ward 5]

Macrostie closed between Baldwin and Bayview [Ward 5]

Moorhead closed between Willola Beach and dead-end [Ward 5]

Whistler closed between Len Purcell and Spinnaker [Ward 5]

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