Carp Road
Concrete on the east side of Carp is all poured as of this morning. We will be back tomorrow morning early to open for pedestrians for the weekend.
Parking restrictions will be switching for Monday from the east side to the west side of Carp. Both Alice’s and Carp Creamery have been emailed directly and the angle parking at Alice’s will remain. Parking will be open on the east side, and evenings and weekends (non working hours) are available. We will need to remove parking on both sides for 1-2 weeks when the milling and final asphalt work is completed (expected 2-4 weeks)
St. James Church – stairs are going in the week of June 3rd. We have coordinated to ensure one sidewalk is open at all times.
No more milling or asphalt to be installed until after concrete work is completed (expected 2-4 more weeks)

Asphalt is fully complete
Next week will be shouldering, driveway tie-ins and mailbox resets
Anticipate being completed here around May 29th
Milling machine is on site. To begin on Monday (weather pending).
All milling/granular/new asphalt expected to be completed next week with driveways/shouldering following the next week
March Road
PVMS anticipated on site for June 3rd, milling tentatively scheduled for June 10th
Homeowner notifications to go out next week